Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Welcome to Technology for Retail

Welcome to the Technology for Retail web site, published by In-Tech Solutions (UK) Ltd. Access to this site is free and open to any interested party. It will be of particular interest to retailers and those involved in the retail technology supply chain. The plan is to publish information about various technology developments that should be relevant and interesting to the readership. These developments will be both plentiful and varied, but generally related in some way to Information Technology.

The objective then is to encourage participation and comment from the readers:-

  • would you use this technology in your business
  • do you see the potential benefits
  • how could it be utilised
  • it would be a waste of time and money
  • any comment you consider to be pertinent
The feedback received will be used to assist in the formulation of In-Tech's research and development program. If relevant, comments will also be fed back to the organisations who introduced the technology under discussion. The information provided should be helpful to the readers in the retail business who are involved in planning future business technology investment. It may also prompt evaluation of potential new revenue streams.

All comments will be moderated, but only to prevent inappropriate or unsuitable feedback and "spam" postings.

Retail Touch Points