Like that song you hear playing at
Starbucks, but just cannot wait until you get to a computer to download the song?
Starting tomorrow at certain Starbucks stores, a person with an iPhone or iTunes software loaded onto a laptop can download the songs they hear over the speakers directly onto those devices. The price will be 99 cents a song, a small price, Starbucks says, to satisfy an immediate urge.
“For the customer it’s an instant gratification,” said Ken Lombard, president of Starbucks Entertainment. “You’ll hear the song, be able to identify what it is and download to the device.”
And it’s just the tip of the iced latte. Businesses are using new technologies to enhance the impulse buy so consumers can purchase their temptations whenever they want, wherever they are, before the urge passes. pioneered one-click shopping to speed purchases, whether made at home or on an employer’s time. But the development of more capable gadgets, coupled with mobile payment mechanisms, is allowing people to buy not just media, like music, videos and ring tones, but also hard goods, on the go.
This evolution follows the popularity of debit, gift and refill cards, which allow buyers to fill accounts and make cashless payments. Payments made with those cards exceed the payments made by cash and check, according to the Nilson Report, a credit industry newsletter, which used Commerce Department data.
Credit card companies in particular are experimenting with ways to turn the phone into a conduit for card purchases and to offer incentives, like coupons, for mobile purchases. Visa, for instance, is developing technology that will allow people to wave their cellphones in front of a reader to pay for items under $25 without a signature. (Swiping the card through a reader, an innovation several years old, is apparently too much of an impediment.)
The idea is no waiting, cashier or other buying barrier — aside from the charges that show up on a credit card or cellphone bill. And there, along with challenges revolving around security and business models, lies a chief rub.
The mobile-payment technology can create a desensitizing and seductive purchase experience, said James Katz, director of the Center for Mobile Communications Studies at Rutgers University.
“The more people think about a purchase decision, the more likely uncertainty creeps in,” he said. “One frame of mind is you’re helping create in consumers’ mind a source of pleasure, and enabling them to fulfill that pleasure,” Mr. Katz said of the mobile impulse temptation. Another is that “they’re preying on our materialistic souls.”
For now, the new Starbucks service’s preying capabilities will be limited. The concept is being introduced in around 600 cafes in New York and Seattle only, though Starbucks, based in Seattle, and Apple, of Cupertino, Calif., plan to offer the service in other major cities late this year and in 2008.
Impulsive music lovers will have to sign onto the cafe’s Wi-Fi network to discover what song is playing over the Starbucks speakers. With a few taps, users can download the song onto their iPhones (which double as an iPod), or the new Apple iPod Touch with its wireless connection. The 99-cent charge will appear on their phone bills.
Other coffee drinkers who have iTunes software loaded on their notebook computers can do somewhat similar things. When they open their laptops while sitting in a participating store, a Starbucks icon will pop up, giving them a chance to click and buy.
Starbucks said it was the first retail outlet to offer such capability. It is certainly not on the cutting edge of the downloadable music experience. For more than a year, Verizon Wireless has offered technology that lets consumers buy songs over the air. Other carriers, including Sprint and AT&T, allow over-the-air downloads.
Roger Entner, a communications industry consultant with IAG Research, which advises mobile carriers, said Sprint and Verizon were each offering around 60 million songs a month for downloading.
Verizon and others also allow users to buy video, pictures, wallpaper, ring tones and games — none of that revelatory anymore. Verizon also experimented with music fans’ buying concert tickets over the phone, then turning that phone into a bar code for concert entry.
John Harrobin, senior vice president for digital media at Verizon, said, “The fact that when you want something, you can get it instantly through the phone is something we believe in.”
Mr. Entner said the sticking point on the growth of the phone as a full-service payment device had less to do with technology, which is adequate, and more to do with business questions. He said that all the potential participants — phone carriers, retailers, credit card companies, music labels — wanted a cut of the action, and it was not clear how the money for over-the-air payments would be divided.
For example, he said, the mobile-carrier profits for downloadable songs were about 3 cents a song, which he deemed “razor thin.”
Visa, which takes a piece of the action of credit purchases and would love to see buying opportunities blossom, introduced a new microcard last week. It works like a credit card, but it is small enough to fit onto a key chain. At merchants equipped with wireless payment systems, consumers wave the card to pay; purchases under $25 do not require a signature.
Visa is also rolling out a “mobile payment platform.” That’s marketing-speak for software that not only lets consumers pay by waving their phones, but also lets merchants beam coupons to their customers on the go. For instance, Visa has experimented at its headquarters in Foster City, Calif., with sending employees coupons for discounts in the company cafeteria.
The plan got a strong reception by consumers, said Pam Zuercher, Visa’s vice president for innovation.
“Think about this as an extension of direct mail, but you have a much lower chance of leaving your coupon at home,” she said, adding that the technology “provides the ability to influence experiences within a retail location.”
Ms. Zuercher said Visa planned a test of its mobile payment system with its partner, Wells Fargo. It is already testing the system in South Korea and Taiwan. (Some of the mobile payment systems are more advanced overseas, where wireless networks are faster, allowing more complex services. But, Mr. Entner said, the United States may wind up in the forefront because credit payments are so tied up with consumer culture).
The prospect of coupons by phone, or location-based advertising, might give shivers to people already distressed by seeing every nook and cranny of public space crammed with commercial messages.
They are getting trade-offs. Services including the Internet and e-mail, like television before it, are subsidized by advertising and those who respond to it.
“One of the great steps forward for denizens of the online world was the development of one-click buying,” Mr. Katz from Rutgers said. Before that technology, “there was a vast amount of evidence that a small percentage of people who started the checkout process actually
completed it.”
In the mobile world, the barriers fall further. No checkout aisle, cashier or money changing hands. Just an impulse — click and a buy.
This article by Matt Richtel of the
New York Times.
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